This is the blog of journalist, Lonely Planet author and photographer Stuart Butler. It features news and travel updates from the regions in which Stuart works, including northeast Africa (Kenya, Ethiopia and Sudan), Yemen and Sri Lanka.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


IMG_7068 - Maasai man at dawnIMG_8349 -Maasai man at dawn Loita Hills KenyaIMG_0831 Goats and Samburu Matthew's Mountains KenyaIMG_0591 Samburu lady and gaots KenyaIMG_7605 Zebra in Olarro ConservancyIMG_0745 Bleeding goat Samburu Matthew's Mountains Kenya
IMG_1042 Samburu man Matthew's Mountains KenyaIMG_7466 Maasai woman with goatsIMG_1100 Acacia Tree Maasai Mara KenyaIMG_7008 - Maasai man and cattleIMG_0898 Church Matthew's Mountains KenyaIMG_0608 Goat milk Matthews mountains kenya
IMG_8933 Maasai man at dawn Loita Hills KenyaIMG_8364 Maasai man at dawn Loita Hills dawnIMG_9090 Maasai man Loita Hills KenyaIMG_0565 Goats at dawn in Samburu manyatta Matthew's mountains KenyaIMG_9814 Reticulated giraffe Meru National Park KenyaIMG_9950 Head teacher in his office - Kenya
IMG_8310 Maasai woman at dusk Loita Hills KenyaIMG_8251 Maasai woman in Loita HillsIMG_8244 Maasai man in Loita HillsIMG_8219 - Maasai man in Loita HillsIMG_8032 - Maasai man in Loita hillsIMG_7924 Sunrise in Kenya's Loita Hills

Kenya June 2013, a set on Flickr.

Back in June (yeah I know I've been slack on the blogging front...) I had the great pleasure of once again visiting Kenya. This time i was there for a variety of international publications writing a range of articles on conservation, tourism and tribal rights. I split my time equally between the northern regions of Meru and the remote and wonderful Matthew's Mountains and the Maasai lands further south (the Maasai Mara itself, Olarro conservancy and the stunning and little known Loita Hills. Highlights of the trip included staying in both Samburu and Maasai manyattas (farmsteds), walking and camping in the Loita Hills, spending a day learning about conservation in action at the Olarro conservancy, walking in the Matthews and having Meru national park pretty much to myself.

The following are a selection of images that I took during the trip.